My day

My days are most be similar. Working and non-working days differ. On working days I wake up a little later than 7:30 o’clock. I don’t wake up easily. After I wake up I put on my glasses and comb my hair. After I do this I dress and go to breakfast. I prepare my bag before breakfast. I have breakfast with cereal and milk. After we go to school. This year our mother drives us to school.

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Test: Tag Questions

I. Write the tag question

You study Spanish, don’t you?
These are my pens, aren’t they?
It isn’t snowing, is it?
Linda lives here, doesn’t she?
They have arrived, haven’t they?
There isn’t a hut, is there?
Your name is Ali, isn’t it?
I am your friend, aren’t I?
This magpie can’t sing, can it?
He hasn’t cut the tree, has he?

II. Fill in the correct answer.

1. He is your uncle, isn’t he?
2. You were in hospital, weren’t you?
3.  Your father always cooks, doesn’t he?
4. His sister was a good student, wasn’t she?
5. You can speak English, can’t you?
6. Jim plays a lot of football, doesn’t he?
7. You played football too, didn’t you?
8. You like tea, don’t you?
9. Father worked very hard, didn’t he?
10. Your friend lives in Liverpool, doesn’t he?
11. Mary lived in London, didn’t she?
12. You haven’t got a dog, have you?
13. She doesn’t like spiders, does she?
14. The teacher is nice, isn’t he?
15. The goalkeeper was good, wasn’t he?

Մասնական բացահայտիչ

Մասնական բացահայտիչ

Նախադասությունն ընդարձակիր` կետերի փոխարեն որպես ի՞նչ, իբրև ի՞նչ, որպես ո՞վ, իբրև ո՞վ հարցերին պատասխանող բացահայտիչներ գրելով:

1. Էլիասը՝ որպես ուղեկցորդ, ինձ բացատրում էր ճանապարհը:
2. Անտառը՝ որպես խիտ ու անանցանելի տարածք, մռայլ ու գժկամ տեսք ուներ:
3. Թռչունի առաջին ճիչը՝ որպես ձայն, չափազանց զարմացրեց մեզ: Continue reading “Մասնական բացահայտիչ”